What is Family Constellation?
Family Field
In human families, the family has a kind of field. The field of the family has patterns and habits within it, and this is something which is illustrated in a form of therapy called systemic family constellations or Familienstellen. This work is pioneered by the German psychotherapist and philosopher called Bert Hellinger. He treats the family as a system or field. Which means instead of treating people as individual entity, he recognized that they’re part of a larger system.
Family Constellation One to One Session
In family constellation one to one session, we use objects, tools or post it notes instead of representatives. The client or issue holder will be guided to use these objects and place them on a surface infront of him/ her. Soon enough with placing the objects according to the clients feelings and view of the situation the picture of the family system start to have a structure. It often gives the issue holder or the client the possibilities of noticing the hidden dynamics and relationships and offer a solution.